Connectome-based Predictive Modeling of Fluid Intelligence: Evidence for a Global System of Functionally Integrated Brain Networks.
Wilcox R, Barbey AK. (2023) Cerebral Cortex [PDF]

Efforts to enhance reproducibility in a human performance research project.
Drocco JA, Halliday K, Steward BJ, Sandholtz SH, Morrison MD, Thissen JB, Be NA, Zwilling CE, Wilcox RR, Culpepper SA, Barbey AK, Jaing CJ. (2023) F1000 Research [PDF]

Integrating Nutrient Biomarkers, Cognitive Function, and Structural MRI Data to Build Multivariate Phenotypes of Healthy Aging.
Talukdar T, Zwilling CE, Barbey AK. (2023) The Journal of Nutrition [PDF]

Nutrition and the brain – Exploring pathways for optimal brain health through nutrition.
Barbey AK, Davis, TA. (2023) The Journal of Nutrition [PDF]

The utilitarian brain: Moving beyond the free energy principle.
Hemmatian B, Varshney L, Pi F, Barbey AK. (2023) Cortex [PDF]